Diabetes Management in Marietta, GA
What is Diabetes?
In general, diabetes is a metabolic disorder. It’s often associated with sugar intake and other diet choices, but the truth is, it’s a lot more complicated than that, and it can develop based on several factors.
Diabetes does have a lot to do with the sugar in your bloodstream, though. When you have diabetes, your pancreas is unable to produce a sufficient amount of insulin to help your body process blood sugar. This allows the blood sugar to stay in your system, and it eventually produces a number of adverse health effects and even death in extreme cases.
Diabetes is also more than just one disorder. It’s separated into three main types. There is type 2 diabetes that is the most common. This is when your body isn’t making enough insulin. This can usually be managed with healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and upon a doctor’s recommendation, medications.
Type 1 diabetes is when the body does not produce any insulin whatsoever. To make up for this, it is usually required that patients receive insulin via daily shots and other medicinal products.
Finally, you can develop gestational diabetes. This is when diabetes forms during pregnancy. It is often temporary, but it is still a serious condition that can affect the health of both the mother and the unborn child, and it requires medical attention.
No matter what type of diabetes you have, or if you’re diagnosed as pre-diabetic, a treatment plan and immediate medical attention are required.
What are the Symptoms of Diabetes?
Diabetes isn’t a disease that simply appears for most people. There are usually several signs that it is developing, and once it becomes a problem, there are definitely tell-tale signs that show you need medical attention.
The serious symptoms usually start happening in pre-diabetics or people who are just starting to become diabetic. This is why they’re often the symptoms people notice first, and if noticed, you should seek immediate medical attention to increase your chances of managing the disease.
These are symptoms such as frequent urination, extreme thirst, and sudden unexplained weight changes. If you notice you’re developing these symptoms, booking an appointment with a qualified physician is necessary. There might be a chance for you to stave off the illness, and even if it is too late, it is far easier to manage once you get help.
Then, there are the more serious symptoms that people typically have after they’re diagnosed.
Excessive loss of energy after eating certain foods or going without food, stinging pain in the soles of your feet, numbness, extreme headaches, and other very noticeable symptoms can occur. Most people who get to this stage are already diagnosed, but if you are experiencing these things suddenly, it is important to seek medical help immediately.
Finally, if a treatment plan is not developed, and unhealthy life choices are adopted, far more serious side-effects can occur. These can include limb loss from insufficient blood flow, sudden unconsciousness, and even death.
How to Treat Diabetes – Clinical Care?
There are a few ways that diabetes is treated, and which one your doctor recommends is largely up to your unique situation and how severe your diabetes is. However, it is never a good idea to try and develop your own treatment plan or to skip professional healthcare services. Diabetes is a serious illness that can quickly get out of control without proper treatment.
With that being said, there are three main ways that diabetes is treated.
First, for pre-diabetics and people with less severe cases of diabetes, treatment plans are typically fairly holistic. Simply managing one's diet according to a doctor's instructions and exercising regularly can help many diabetics manage their diabetes on their own. In these cases, it is common for doctors to prescribe emergency insulin supplies in case a problem occurs.
For diabetics with far more serious cases of the illness, the treatment regimen is more intense. For serious cases of diabetes, a very strict diet and exercise regimen are required. This minimizes the chance of a serious side-effect occurring, and it keeps your body healthy in case medical intervention is ever needed. However, most diabetics in this state are required to take insulin supplements one or more times per day depending on the severity of the illness. These are typically delivered via a hypodermic needle, and the patient will usually take the insulin dose at home.
Finally, there is gestational diabetes treatment. Luckily, this usually isn’t too much of a problem. The average gestational diabetes case is handled with exercise and proper dieting, and medicine is only required if sugar levels get too high. However, doctors will require more frequent visits and regular monitoring to ensure the safety of the parent and the fetus.
Why is Patient Care Regarding Diabetes Important?
Diabetes is not a disease that you can attempt to treat on your own. It’s not something that you can rely on trial and error with, and mistakes can quickly lead to serious consequences. That’s why it is 100% necessary to enlist the help of a professional to look at your specific circumstances, develop a plan, and monitor your progression as time goes on.
However, the treatment plan must also be custom-tailored to your needs. Diabetes varies dramatically from patient to patient, and a one-size-fits-all approach does not provide proper treatment. One patient might just need better exercise and dieting parameters, and another might need several medicinal aids to help control their diabetes.
This is why our team at Clinic Klinic devotes itself not only to helping diabetics but to helping diabetics based solely on their individual health needs.
If you’re in need of better dieting guidance, more exercise, or various types of prescription medicines, our team will evaluate those needs and help you through them.
Any treatment plan for diabetics should follow this same approach. The severity of your illness, the symptoms you specifically suffer from, and the various factors affecting your health outside of the diabetes diagnosis should all be considered before a health plan is developed for you.
Type 2 Diabetes. (2022, November 18). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
​What is Diabetes? (2022, July 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetes.html
​Diagnosis | ADA. (n.d.). https://diabetes.org/diabetes/a1c/diagnosis​