Sleep disorders affect millions of Americans, and they’re far more serious than simply not feeling well-rested. Not only can they be attached to other health problems you might not be aware of, but the simple lack of proper sleep also spills into all of your day’s normal activities, as well.
However, while sleep disorders are so prevalent and problematic, they’re also very misunderstood.
Today, we want to talk about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available to help you better understand your sleep-related disorders.
Causes of Sleep Disorders
The cause of a sleep disorder can be one or more things from a long list of very specific conditions and factors. However, they all tend to fall into one of four categories.
Medical Issues: This includes things such as sleep apnea where you might stop breathing and suddenly jolt out of sleep. It can also include conditions such as restless leg syndrome and similar medical issues.
Psychiatric Issues: Anxiety and depression both affect multiple endorphins that are also related to sleep, and they can impact your quality of sleep.
Physical Pain: If you’re suffering from an injury or painful illness, your sleep will likely be disrupted.
Environmental Factors: Drug and alcohol abuse, caffeine consumption, a lack of sunlight during the day, and various other outside factors can cause sleep disorders.

Symptoms of Sleep Disorders
Not everyone experiences the same symptoms while suffering from a sleep disorder. You might have one and not even notice it beyond feeling more tired than you should throughout the day.
Primarily, when we think of sleep disorders, we think of people who cannot get to sleep or cannot stay asleep with a natural sense of ease.
Then, the second most common symptom is waking up during sleep to go to the bathroom, rolling around uncomfortably, or simply feeling as if it’s time to wake up despite only sleeping for a couple of hours.
However, those aren’t the only symptoms of sleep disorders. With sleep apnea, you can stop breathing in your sleep and be jolted awake. With various other problems, such as alcohol or drug abuse, you might not go through the various sleep cycles you’re supposed to due to the substance you’re taking affecting your brain. In these situations, you might not be aware of the issue, but you will still feel drained or mentally exhausted throughout the day.
Treatments for Sleep Disorders
Since there is such a large variety of problems that can cause sleep disorders, there are also many treatment options available.
Typically, treatment will start with an assessment. The doctor will attempt to determine what’s causing your sleep disorder by asking you questions and checking your overall health to see if any activities you’re doing are causing it, if there is a health problem causing it, etc.
If there aren’t any clear causes such as heavy alcohol abuse, you might be recommended to participate in a sleep trial. You’ll be monitored while you sleep, and the doctor will determine what’s happening and what the cause is.
Treatment might come in the form of recommending changes in your daily life, prescribing medication, treating an injury or illness, or other options depending on what’s causing the problem.
If you’re experiencing a sleep disorder, and you need help treating it, contact Clinic Klinic, today.